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Walter looked at her for what seemed like an hour but, was only a second or two. "So, your sayin' you want to use our pay phone but, have no money to pay"?This isn't the Salvation Army little lady, we don't do charity here".Karen was starting to sweat under her business suit even though it was getting cold outside and was even cold inside she was quite warm and getting more nervous by the second.She didn't have to turn around to see the two pool players eyeing her up and down she could feel it, and the two men at the bar were also looking her up and down. She nervously pulled at her skirt, which was modest business attire but, she wished the skirt was a foot longer to cover her sexy legs. "I ah I uh, could I use the phone and come back Monday after work and pay you for it. I'm good for it, I have money and credit cards, I just don't have it with me because I left my purse at work by accident". Walter looked at her again very seriously almost menacingly. "I don't know you'll be back,. Every time I pass now I would intentionally rub against his ass. He started feeling that I am playing along.Soon I made up a time in the schedule when only he and I are at night to close the store. So at night I finished all my work and asked him to come to the warehouse to finish some restocking. There were some boxes full of items that were supposed to be put on the shelves. I asked him to work on that and when he bent down to pick up the box, I rubbed my dick on his ass. He got stunned, and stood up and looked at me. He was nervous and didn’t know how to respond.I said,”I know what you been doing all these days on the front register.”“what was I doing?”, he murmured.I said,”rubbing it on my junk.”His face was all red and he couldn’t look me in the face.I started moving towards him.“ I was just playing with you, it means nothing”, he said a little louder.By that time I was right in front of him and so close that I could smell him. Before he could say anything else I held his face.
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